Forms & Applications
Use the links below to view/download fillable PDF files to print or email without requiring a document scanner.
Forms for 2025 will be posted here as they become available. Please note:
As of 2024, our membership fee is now $45
As of 2023, our mailing addresses have changed. Delivery to old addresses are not guaranteed.
Printed copies are preferred for use on-location.
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Version 6 of this file separates Open Optics into Revolver Optics and Semi-Auto Optics (Jan 11, 2025)
Application Forms
Annual Referee Report Form (PDF)
(Referee form PDF not yet fillable)
- Please save forms with your name and year (i.e. "John Smith 2024.pdf")
- Send all membership and fee forms to
- All other forms should be sent to
Club Affiliation
Affiliation Form (Fillable PDF)Tournament Application
Tournament Form (Fillable PDF)Match Fees Return
Match Fees Return (Fillable PDF)How to use Fillable PDFs:
For mobile devices:- Find Adobe Acrobat Reader in the app store. This app requires permission to access your files to open and save PDFs.
- Tap a blue field to edit contents. The enter key will create a new line in the same field.
- When complete, find and tap the "Share" button.
- A screen will ask you to "Sign in to do more". Ignore this, and instead use the "Send a copy" button at the bottom of the screen.
- Choose your email app to complete the process.
For desktop devices:
- Most modern web browsers have the ability to edit fillable PDFs. Clicking on a link above should open a new tab for you to edit.
- The free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader is able to edit fillable PDFs. Always download files and programs from the original website or your device's built-in app store; never download from a website unless you are certain of it's trustworthiness.
- When you are complete, find and click the "Save" or "Save as..." button to save a copy on your computer for email attachment.