Promoting a keen interest in family and outdoor activities with an emphasis on the environment, conservation, sportsmanship, and safety in the Abbotsford area. No other details have been added yet.
Nothing has been added yet.
Nothing has been added yet.
The Great Plains Shooting Association is the PPC section of the Regina Wildlife Foundation
The KDFGC 1500 is the PPC section of the Kelowna District Fish and Game Club.
Match approval and statistics are managed by returning CPCA Member Dennis Krause.
If you are interested in joining KDFGC 1500, please contact Joe Wingham.
The LEAP Committee is the PPC section of the Port Coquitlam and District Hunting and Fishing Club

Nanaimo PPC
Nanaimo, British Columbia
Nothing has been added yet.

Northwestern Ontario Police Pistol Combat Club
Dryden, Ontario
The NWOPPC is home club to some of our top shooters. The NWOPPC often hosts Ontario provincial championships

North Saanich Rod and Gun Club
North Saanich, British Columbia
Nothing has been added yet.
To be updated.
The SRRC is the PPC section of the Saskatoon Wildlife Federation
To be updated.
Thunder Bay Combat Club has a rich history in Police Pistol Combat and has produced many outstanding competitors, police officers and civilians alike, many achieving the highest honours the CPCA has to offer. The Thunder Bay Combat Club incorporated in 1980 but its history begins somewhat earlier than that. Our founding members were active shooters enjoying many aspects of the shooting sports and members of different pistol clubs. Initially our club was formed because of the interest in PPC, but has since grown into numerous shooting disciplines. While Canadian Defense Pistol matches have become the norm for the Thunder Bay Combat Club, we still have a handful of diehard members practicing PPC. Starting the 2018 year, the TBCC is planning on hosting annual PPC events once again.
Vancouver Island Shooting Association
Vancouver Island, British Columbia
This affiliate is a group of clubs..